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be about to用法(be about to do sth.用法解析大全)

2024-07-08 19:00:16浏览: 100

① be about to do sth.表示“正要做某事,马上要做某事”,主语一般是人,时间距离很近(immediate future),后面不可跟表示将来时间的状语,如soon,at once,immediately。be about to do 后还常跟when 从句,相当于just at this time,也可以是 was doing…when(正在做……这时),had done…when(刚刚做……这时)。

I was just about to leave when the telephone rang. 我正要离开时,电话铃响了。

I was writing a letter when the light went out. 我正在写一封信,这时灯熄灭了。

We had just started our work when the machine broke down.我们才刚刚开始工作,这时机器就坏了。

I was walking down the road when a bird flew past overhead. 我正在路上走着,这时一只鸟从头顶上飞过。

They are about to leave soon.

They are about to leave.


② be+to do sth.表示预先的安排或计划,也表示命令、指示、劝告等。主语一般是人,有时可以是物。

The foreign friends are to arrive this evening. 外国朋友定于今天晚上到达。(安排)

Father is to return next month. 父亲将于下个月回来。(计划)

The plan is to be made in a week. 计划将在一周内做好。(计划)

You are not to walk on the grass. 不许践踏草坪。(命令)

You are to be criticized if you do like that. 你那样做就会受到批评。(警告)

All the exercise-books are to be handed in after class. 所有的练习本都必须在课后交上来。(要求)

She was to have left earlier,but it rained. 她本打算早些离开的,但是却下雨了。


①be to do sth. 用于第二人称时,有时表示“应该,理应”的含义,相当于should。

You are to give her more help. 你应该给她更多的帮助。

You are to study harder. 你应该更努力地学习。

②be to do sth. 也可以是表语结构。

Her duty is to keep the hall clean and tidy. 她的职责是保持大厅整洁。

One of the most urgent things to do now is to get enough money. 现在要做的最紧迫的事情之一是弄到足够的钱。
